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Assorted Body Odor Removal Remedy

Written By komputer emanbelas on Kamis, 17 Maret 2011 | 00.25

Bau badan memang tidak menyenangkan. Jika tidak diatasi bisa menggerogoti kenyamanan dan rasa percaya diri. Banyak cara dapat dilakukan untuk menyamarkan dan mengusir bau badan. Namun, banyak yang belum tahu bahwa deodoran alami bisa diperoleh di dapur. Apa sajakah itu?

Daun beluntas (Pluchea indica)
Tanaman ini berbau langu dan terasa getir. Untuk menghilangkan bau badan, daun beluntas biasa dilalap mentah atau dikukus terlebih dulu. Daun beluntas yang telah direbus juga lezat disantap sebagai urap (sayuran dengan kelapa parut yang dibumbui). Bila rutin menyantap daun beluntas, niscaya bau badan akan hilang. Selain itu, bau mulut yang kurang sedap pun akan hilang. Bagi yang tidak suka, bisa dengan meminum air rebusan daunnya setiap pagi dan sore. Beluntas juga bermanfaat menurunkan suhu tubuh karena akan memicu keluarnya keringat.

Daun kemangi (Ocimun bassilicum)
Daun kemangi mengandung minyak atsiri yang dipercaya dapat menghilangkan bau badan. Selain itu, juga berfungsi sebagai antiseptik. Caranya bisa dengan memanfaatkan sebagai lalap mentah atau sayuran urap. Atau, haluskan daun, biji, dan akar kemangi, lalu seduh dengan air panas, saring, dan ditambahkan gula aren. Minum 2 kali sehari, pagi dan malam.

Bagi wanita yang sedang menstruasi, mengonsumsi daun kemangi kurang lebih satu genggam pagi dan sore selama masa haid, akan terhindar dari bau tak sedap yang sering menimpa perempuan haid.

Rimpang temulawak (Curcuma xanthorrhiza)
Sapomin, flavoinoida, dan minyak atsiri, merupakan zat-zat dalam temulawak yang dapat menghilangkan bau badan. Caranya, minum rebusan rimpang temulawak yang telah dipotong-potong halus. Air perasan temulawak yang sudah diparut dengan tambahan sedikit madu juga dapat diminum untuk menghilangkan bau tak sedap. Selain itu, parutan temulawak juga dapat dibalurkan ke seluruh badan, lalu didiamkan hingga kering sebelum dibersihkan untuk mendapatkan hasil maksimal.

Bunga kecombrang (Nicolaia speciosa)
Zat aktif yang dapat menghilangkan bau badan pada tanaman ini adalah sapomin, flavoinoida, dan polifenol. Selain sapomin dan flavoinoida, kecombrang juga mengandung polifenol. Kecombrang dapat dimanfaatkan dengan memasak daun muda dan bunganya sebagai teman makan nasi. Bunga kecombrang dapat dimasak sebagai campuran sayur lodeh atau gulai.

Jeruk purut (Citrus bystrix)
Kulit jeruknya mengandung minyak atsiri yang berbau harum sehingga dapat digunakan untuk menghilangkan bau badan. Caranya, minum sari campuran kulit jeruk purut dengan sebatang kencur yang dihaluskan bersama-sama dengan air secukupnya.

Jeruk nipis (Citrus aurantifolia)
Jeruk nipis juga mengandung minyak atsiri. Caranya, 1 buah jeruk nipis, diperas, ambil airnya, campur dengan 1/2 sendok teh kapur sirih, aduk rata. Gosokkan ke bagian tertentu seperti ketiak setelah mandi. Diamkan sesaat hingga kering, kemudian baru menggunakan pakaian.

Jahe (Zingiber officinale)
Banyak orang India percaya, mengonsumsi jahe bisa membuat mereka tercium "manis". Menurut Pen Chao Cing, Kaisar Shen Nong di daratan China (3000 SM), jahe segar dapat menghilangkan bau badan dan mendekatkannya kepada aura spiritual. Wedang jahe yang dikonsumsi secara teratur bisa jadi membantu mengatasi masalah bau badan.

Mentimun (Cucumis sativus)
Timun atau mentimun yang kaya akan air ini mengandung kalsium, zat besi, magnesium. Mengonsumsi buah timun sangat terasa menyegarkan. Selain berkhasiat menurunkan demam, timun juga bermanfaat untuk kesehatan kulit. Caranya, cuci bersih satu buah mentimun muda, iris tipis, lalu oleskan atau gosokkan pada bagian badan yang berbau. Atau, parut mentimun, lalu kompres bagian ketiak dengan parutan tersebut. Diamkan kurang lebih 10-15 menit, kemudian angkat. Lakukan hal ini setelah mandi.
00.25 | 0 komentar | Read More

Behind the Cucumber Suri Freshness

Fasting month of arriving, cucumbers faint arise. After running a full day of fasting, it is the pleasure of breaking with freshthe cold drinks . Cucumber suri become one of the favorite choice for ice or fruit cocktail.

Fruits that have a scientific name Cucumis sativus is indeed unique. Arguably, only a faint cucumber were encountered in the month of fasting. Seller cucumbers faint suddenly popping up in various places. In fact, this fruit is actually not certain to bear fruit depending on season. It's just outside the month of fasting, people are not too keen to make a drink of cucumber faint.

Cucumber suri has a high water content. It was also typical and added fresh when consumed in a cold state. It's appropriate to satisfy thirst.

Besides refreshing, cucumber suri turns out to have health benefits, mainly because of its rich content of fiber, potassium, and provitamin A. The fruit is believed to be useful to help increase endurance, lower blood pressure, and nourish the kidneys and spleen function.
00.22 | 0 komentar | Read More

Make More Smooth Ridge

Acne was not only able to appear on the face, but also on the back. Acne on his back caused by a mixture of sweat and dirt that accumulate in the pores of the skin surface. Yet as hard to reach areas of the body, you can not clean the most of every day. Consequently itching often occur in this body part.

Some actually existing salon that provides facials for the back of the facility. To prevent your number no more, do it on his back in intensive care every month, just with you normally do when conducting face facials.

Meanwhile, if acne is already very disturbing, immediately visit the dermatologist. Never rub your back with a long-stemmed brush body. Despite these brushes have very fine hair, but irritation may occur due to friction between the tip bristles with acne on your back.

In addition to facials at the salon, do the same treatment at home using a cucumber mask. Here's how it's done:
* Beat the egg whites until stiff.
* Cut the cucumber, roughly equivalent to 3 cm.
* Enter the egg whites and cucumber to the blender.
* Sports both ingredients until smooth.
* Then apply mixture to the entire surface of the skin on the back, and let stand for 15 minutes.
* After that, rinse with warm water and bodywash.

For daily bathing ritual, there's nothing wrong if you use an antiseptic soap. This is to prevent the emergence of bacteria on the skin, which can cause acne.
00.19 | 0 komentar | Read More

Making Faces of Cucumber Toner

In cosmetic products are often offered cleaning or refreshment of cucumber material. Usually the product is intended  for women with oily skin or acne, because the cucumbers are able to relieve the inflamed skin or redness due to sunburn.

Cucumbers contain ingredients that kill germs that cause acne (as an antiseptic skin) and skin tightening. Cucumber extract also helps restore skin's pH becomes equal to the normal skin pH.

Freshener or toner is actually made ​​from cucumbers can you make your own. Here is the recipe of cucumber toner is quoted from the book Ecobeauty: Scrubs, Rubs, Masks, and Bath booms for You and Your Friends.

Prepare the ingredients:
* 1 / 2 green cucumber slices with the waste of skin, minced-chopped.
* 3 tsp hortensi leaves (flower bowl).
* 2 teaspoons of water that has been distilled.

Mix all ingredients, then put in a blender or juicer, and wait until smooth. Strain using a fine berjaring cloth to separate the pulp from the water.

Then enter the liquid toner in an airtight bottle (use a lid) and store in refrigerator. Toner is resistant to several weeks ahead. When you want to use, use a cotton bud or cotton, then wipe the face.
00.18 | 0 komentar | Read More

Pickled Cucumbers Able to Overcome Muscle Spasms

Apparently, pickled cucumbers are not only good to be used as flavoring for certain types of food. Juice or water from cucumber event also has the ability to heal muscle cramps.

There is a scientific explanation of this remarkable capability. Brigham Young University have created a test how ACR cucumber juice can affect muscle cramps caused by heavy exercise. His research departs from the theory (though not yet confirmed its truth) that some elements of pickle juice may be more able to cope with cramps rather than water, bananas, or drinks that contain electrolytes. This also answers the question what causes cramps in people who are active, and why this problem so easily happen.

"Muscle cramps caused by exercise physiology is one of the mysteries that continue," said Gretchen Reynolds, a writer in the New York Times blog.

Scientists seem to disagree about why people who diligently practice experience cramps and how to overcome them. Nevertheless, the coaches athletes from mendengungkan success they have experienced thanks to the use of pickled cucumber juice. The trainers were also surveyed, to find out how often they gave it to the client, and how it went. However, these studies reported a new Brigham Young was the first laboratory test on the subject.

This study is only on a small scale only. As many as 10 students a healthy asked to do exercises. After practicing to become dehydrated medium, the radius of the participants were stimulated electrically. This causes cramping, so participants were then asked to relax until the discomfort is berangsung missing.

After that, participants are stimulated again resulting in a second muscle spasms. This time, they were asked to drink about 60 ml of water are ionised or cucumber juice events. From this experiment showed that participants who drank only water recovered after an average of 2.5 minutes. However, when participants were given a cucumber pickle juice, cramps can recover 45 percent faster.

True, very difficult to create conditions cramps due to exercise in the trial, much less cramps do not occur in large muscle groups. Researchers suggest that only the participants to practice the right way and slowly, so that the muscles do not experience fatigue. Another common way to deal with cramps is to stretch.
00.17 | 0 komentar | Read More

Multipurpose cucumber

During these cucumbers are often used as a supplementary food. However, it turns out this water-rich vegetables have other benefits for the appearance. Fresh cucumber it can help those who are on vacation to deal with problems concerning the appearance of instant. The following are among them;

1. To overcome fatigue
Cucumbers have a combination of B vitamins and carbohydrates that can be mood-enhancing and freshness longer than coffee, chocolate bars, or sports drinks. Plus, cucumber is cheaper than a cup of coffee at the coffee shop.

2. Cellulite eraser while
One terrified woman is indicated by streaks of cellulite on a particular body part. That felt better when wearing a bathing suit. Uh, embarrassed, feels. Try chopped cucumber and rub the berairnya in locations that have problems with cellulite body to make it slightly reduced. Apparently, cucumbers contain photochemical that causes the collagen in the skin to tighten, so good for cellulite. In addition, the cucumber is also good to reduce puffy eyes and wrinkles. No wonder many who close their eyes with cucumber.

3. Sunburn
If you and the kids a lot of play in the sun, it's no wonder skin will burn. Try to apply water from the cucumbers in the skin of the fire. That way, there is the impression of calm and cool on the skin.

4. Relief "hangover"
Head spinning from too much to drink alcoholic beverages? Take cucumber and eat before sleeping. The balance of sugar, B vitamins, and electrolytes can replace the lost nutrients in the body. Thus, you will feel better in the morning.
00.14 | 0 komentar | Read More
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